Why I Chose (a) Charter

Five and a half months ago, I, along with thirty other public education outlets, stood outside Senator Lamar Alexander's office in my hometown, speaking out against the nomination of Betsy DeVos and the agenda to privatize public education. When she was confirmed as Secretary of Education shortly afterwards, I was once again moved to speak … Continue reading Why I Chose (a) Charter

REPOST: crippledscholar — No, Mitch McConnell’s Polio Treatment Wasn’t Government funded and it Likely Influenced his views on Healthcare

A couple of days ago a meme starting going around Facebook about Mitch McConnell’s history of surviving polio The thing is, beyond the fact that McConnell did in fact have Polio as a child, the rest of the text is false. His care was not government funded. He received care at the frankly prestigious Warm […] … Continue reading REPOST: crippledscholar — No, Mitch McConnell’s Polio Treatment Wasn’t Government funded and it Likely Influenced his views on Healthcare

So April is upon us and along with it Autism Bewareness Month (I stand by that word choice). Tomorrow is World Autism Awareness Day and I am already feeling suffocated by all of the faux awareness. Awareness would be great if it actually meant that people were actually educating themselves about the realities of autistic … Continue reading